How Much Does Cash Pay Physical Therapy Cost?

How Much Does Cash Pay Physical Therapy Cost?

If you're exploring physical therapy options, you've likely come across the terms "cash pay" or "cash-based" physical therapy. At MKE Physical Therapy, we call it Direct Physical Therapy, or Direct PT, meaning that there is no middleman between you and your healthcare...

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Why you Shouldn’t Stretch Before Exercising

Why you Shouldn’t Stretch Before Exercising

Think back to P.E. class, and you’ll likely remember being told that you should always stretch before a workout. Recall a gym full of teenagers, all bent over trying to touch their toes or stretching their quads for a few minutes before hitting the track. Despite the...

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How to Avoid Injury While Running in Cold Weather

How to Avoid Injury While Running in Cold Weather

Running in cold weather is invigorating. While it takes discipline and determination to head out the door for a run on a cold Wisconsin day, the benefits are many. However, running outdoors in cold weather presents unique challenges that increase the risk of injury....

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Let’s get Moving, Washington Heights!

Let’s get Moving, Washington Heights!

You don’t have to exercise hard or for a long time to gain the many benefits it provides. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week. This is just under 22 minutes a day. 

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You are an Athlete!

You are an Athlete!

Most of us don’t spend our weekends throwing touchdown passes, running marathons, or sinking the game-winning three pointer, but all of us depend on the same muscles as professional athletes to rake leaves, shovel snow, and get things done in our daily lives. Since we...

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Do you need insurance to see a Physical Therapist?

Do you need insurance to see a Physical Therapist?

Happily, the answer is no, you do not need insurance to see a Physical Therapist. This is great news for those that are self-employed, entrepreneurs, small business owners, those who can’t afford the high premiums or those who simply did the math and found out that...

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Why Would You Pay Cash for Physical Therapy?

Why Would You Pay Cash for Physical Therapy?

It is understandable that someone would be confused by the concept of cash-based healthcare services, but in the current healthcare environment, a patient can receive superior care and often save money by paying out-of-pocket, directly to their provider. Here’s why.

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